TEEᑎ ᒪOᑌᑎGE ᖴOᖇᑌᗰ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑕᕼᗩT ᖇOOᗰ
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TEEᑎ ᒪOᑌᑎGE ᖴOᖇᑌᗰ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑕᕼᗩT ᖇOOᗰ

T͏e͏e͏n͏ L͏o͏u͏n͏g͏e͏ i͏s͏ o͏w͏n͏e͏d͏ b͏y͏ J͏o͏s͏h͏u͏a͏, a junior, w͏h͏o͏ i͏s͏ 1͏6. Joshua plays golf, baseball, and wrestles at his high school. Our email is teenloungeforum@outlook.com
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What will you miss most about this summer? Img_4610
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T͏e͏e͏n͏ L͏o͏u͏n͏g͏e͏ i͏s͏ a safe, fun, moderated, youth operated Forum and chat room. We have weekly trivia and Uno game nights on Saturday. Teen Lounge is open to all youth, and parents are welcome.

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What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcapWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_voting_barWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap 
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcapWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_voting_barWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap 
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcapWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_voting_barWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap 
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcapWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_voting_barWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap 
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcapWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_voting_barWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap 
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcapWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_voting_barWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap 
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcapWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_voting_barWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap 
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcapWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_voting_barWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap 
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcapWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_voting_barWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap 
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcapWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_voting_barWhat will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap 
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 What will you miss most about this summer?

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What will you miss most about this summer?
The weather
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcap14%What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap
 14% [ 14 ]
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcap13%What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap
 13% [ 13 ]
Playing baseball, soccer, or other outside sports
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcap9%What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap
 9% [ 9 ]
Cooking out
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcap11%What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap
 11% [ 11 ]
Going on vacation
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcap9%What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap
 9% [ 9 ]
Going to carnivals and fairs
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcap9%What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap
 9% [ 9 ]
Sleeping with your windows open
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcap9%What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap
 9% [ 9 ]
Being able to wear shorts and summer cloths again
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcap13%What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap
 13% [ 13 ]
Planting a garden
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcap5%What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 5 ]
Having outside sleepovers with your friends which I do a lot in our tent
What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_lcap7%What will you miss most about this summer? I_vote_rcap
 7% [ 7 ]
Total Votes : 99
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Age : 14
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What will you miss most about this summer? Empty
PostSubject: What will you miss most about this summer?   What will you miss most about this summer? EmptySun Jul 31, 2022 10:52 am

A lot of us will start school and sports next month, which is on Monday. I am home schooled but it's really no different than going to a regular school. I spend just as much time in classes at home as you guys do. My question is "now that summer is close to ending, what will you miss about this summer".

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